13 thoughts on “Demagogue Alert!

  1. Calvin, you are good at playing this little game, but sadly not good enough. Your conduct has reminded me of a Sir Walter Scott quote, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” In the interest in fairness, you made the following quote before what you call my little, “That wouldn’t have been deliberate to make me look bad, would it? Not from libs! Perish the thought……..” Demagogue am I? Perhaps you should get your facts straight my friend. If you wish to claim that it wasn’t your post, I can provide a link to your specific IP Address that matches a post you made exactly eight minutes before that one. Check and mate. Oh and if you would be so kind as to remove your pack of lies, that would be great.


  2. Check and mate? Thanks for reminding me of that. In any event, I was asking a question…a question that your disgraceful conduct suggests to me is all the more plausible.


  3. I apologize for forgetting about my “perish the thought” line, but that doesn’t change the fact that you don’t have the slightest shred of a conscience.


  4. Calvin, wow, I don’t know what to say. Where are you pullig that from? The fact is that it is the cold hard fact of the website logs and your word against each other. Your prior conduct on our side has forced me to trust the logs. I’ll provide you the data if you wish, but I can assure you that there is no way for me to change the order of the comments, even if I wanted to. Also, another thing that is suspect is the time stamps. I can’t edit those either. A few seconds difference in post time might be suspect that someone posted first our not, but 12 hours? Give me a break. Oh, and on a side note, I did find some of your comments being held in a moderation queue. I personally allowed those to go through, and they went to there proper place. Calvin, all ten of your readers will see that we were not at fault in this incident. You are a troublemaker looking for confrontation on our site. Please do not embarrass yourself further by leaving the blog post up. All the facts are behind us.


  5. Fine, so the comments showed up out of order naturally. Fair enough. All I said was that your conduct caused me to wonder. Even granting that, the fact that you used something so trivial to smear me is beneath contempt. When you wonder why debate is coarsening in this country, look in the mirror.


  6. Okay Calvin, perhaps we both overreacted. I’m sorry for that. I did not intend to smear your name. I merely was going off of what the logs told me and what you said. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t have believed the logs over someone else’s narration of events. I was merely attempting to defend the integrity of our site. You would do the same for yours. I may have gone a little overboard. What say we put this incident behind us?


  7. Done. I just want to say how sorry I am that this misunderstanding occurred. But, I am glad that we were able to come to a mutually agreeable solution.


  8. Calvin,It looks like the agreement we made on your previous post was not held up so the some of the authors of YTL are not yet ready to give this up. Being that our previous agreement of “Also, on further posts, we need to keep the debating to an educational level and not result to childish insults and tactics,” from your first post in which YTL was smeared. It can be found here, where you also have it linked in the above post. < HREF="http://rightcal.blogspot.com/2007/04/im-ashamed-of-myselfnot.html" REL="nofollow">I’m Ashamed of Myself…NOT!<>That being said, I would kindly ask you to disregard Alex’s above post. But again, I will ask that we keep this debating to an educational level. Some of us are not ready to put this behind us. Also, please let the record show that you, again, started the insults first. “There have been lots of times over the years when I’ve given liberals’ character & intentions the benefit of the doubt, and it’s almost always been a tremendous waste of time. The riff-raff of this pathetic site is no different. So go ahead and block me if you want; I’m done pretending that I have any respect for YouStinkLeft.” You can find the above quote as part of the 9th comment on < HREF="http://youthinkleft.com/2007/05/03/lies-lies-lies/#comment-479" REL="nofollow">this post<>.Sincerely, Brendon Schweers


  9. Umm….not to get in the middle of a personal debate, but it is actually possible to edit the time of a comment, depending on what type blogging program you use. :/


  10. Brendon, maybe you didn’t bother to read that the post you’re whining about was in RESPONSE to Aryeh’s insults. But I don’t care anymore. I’m done with YTL, and moving on to more productive endeavors.


  11. Cavlin, I’ll be done with this too once I do a point of clearification for Kate. There is no way on our site to edit the time stamp on a post. There might be a way with other programs, but we use WordPress and it doesn’t let us. Additionally, the IP addres, which basically says where you are from and what internet service provider you have, is also uneditable. In certain cases, if you have cable or DSL you have the same IP until you restart your modem or computer. In the case of dial-up and AOL, you have about 10 IPs that are allocated to your specifc computer and you are given that IP until you disconnet. That is all I’m going to say on this topic.


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